January 29, 2013

The Social Media Revolution?

For quite some time I have realized the POWER in being involved with the Social Media Revolution.

I have been recommending my fellow network marketers to get involved. Some have seen the importance of getting involved while others have not. The ones who won’t get involved absolutely baffle me. I have heard several of my downline make statements like, “I don’t have time to play around on Facebook!

Play around on Facebook?? Are you CRAZY?? Do you realize the incredibly powerful opportunity you are missing out on?

I knew Social Media was a powerful marketing tool but it wasn’t until I watched the video below that I realized just how powerful it is.

Watch this video. It is a MUST SEE!!


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January 10, 2013

Are You Serious About Learning The Business

“To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?“ – Jim Rohn

Network Marketing HelpI loved Jim Rohn. Even though he is gone, his pearls of wisdom will continue on and on.

That quote is so true, especially in network marketing. There are always plenty of upline who have been there and are usually willing to help someone in their downline who is serious about learning the business.

Learning the business involves taking responsibility and acting like a professional business person.  Professional network marketers keep up with company news and upline mentor training. They subscribe to everything their upline leaders publish. There are always distributors in your upline who have built a successful business. These are people you can learn from. What did the successful distributors in your upline do to get to where they are in their business.
I realize I am preaching to the choir. If you are reading this, you areprobably not one of the people I am talking about. 

One thing that has baffled me over the years is the amount of distributors who say they want success in their business but they don’t keep up with company news and upline newsletters or conference calls. I must admit, this is one of the biggest pet peeves in my business. Many distributors don’t seem to want to spend time learning some basic skills that would help them build their business. They just think that all they need to do is set up a distributor account and then by osmosis or something they will be making big money.

If you are serious about being a professional network marketer, it is vital that you be as involved as you can in learning the business. Even though I have been in the network marketing industry for over 16 years, I am still learning.

Find out who in your upline have training materials and newsletters and subscribe to them. There are also loads of training from people who have experience. I highly recommend theHome and Small Business Network for awesome training for any type of home or small business.

So what do you choose . . .

I hope you choose Professional Network Marketer.

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